Location Reconnaissance

Today Aaron an myself went out to the filming locations to check the sonic environment and make sure there would be no problems when recording there.


The first location situated in Hartsholme country park didn’t have any initial problems that needed addressing, however it seemed quite a popular area for dog walkers so there was often some background noise from them. Although situated in the woods the areas where our scenes were filmed we prone to some high winds, so we must make sure we bring the correct equipment to filming such as wind socks. One further issue we had was due to the time of year there were a lot of dead leaves on the ground which added a lot of noise to a recording so positioning of the boom mics would be paramount when recording. Finally, in the time we were there we only heard one plane going over head, therefore this won’t be a massive problem on the day of filming, however we must keep this in consideration and keep an ear out for them before filming.


The second location was in an abandoned building, and there were no obvious problems with filming here, other than the high-speed winds coming off of the field opposite. Normally in a building this wouldn’t be a problem, however as this building had no windows or doors we had to take this into consideration in much the same way as the first location.


The third location was set in a house, the only problem we faced here was the possible echo of hard surfaces on the recordings and the noisy main road outside. Luckily on some test recordings we made we didn’t have problems with either of these, thus not needing to take measure to counteract them.

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